Thank You
There will be many people and organizations who make this event possible. But the foremost being our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. So it is to Him that we want to offer our first thanks of sponsorship. Without Him nothing would be possible, and in Him everything is possible, which leads us to our next sponsor.
Thank you to Shasta Crossroads, LLC and Shasta Crossroads II, LLC along with Audrey Williams of Williams Real Estate Management, Inc. for donating the Ashley Home Furniture building to us. Their contribution to this craft fair is unmeasurable and the success of this event for our beneficiaries will be greatly increased due to their giving spirit and support of our community. Thank you again, your generosity is amazing.
Thank you to Shasta Crossroads, LLC and Shasta Crossroads II, LLC along with Audrey Williams of Williams Real Estate Management, Inc. for donating the Ashley Home Furniture building to us. Their contribution to this craft fair is unmeasurable and the success of this event for our beneficiaries will be greatly increased due to their giving spirit and support of our community. Thank you again, your generosity is amazing.
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Help Sponsor Today
If you would like to help sponsor this awesome event that draws community together and benefits three local organizations during a most needed time of year please contact us, we would appreciate any help you are willing to offer. Just as children look for presents of all shapes and sizes on Christmas morning, so are we looking for volunteers and help for the Homespun Craft Fair.